
Showing posts from February, 2011


एक दिन तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी में आयी, एक अनजानी खुशी मेरे दिल में छाई, पर सहमा सा था दिल ये मेरा, जो जानकार भी दुखा बैठा दिल मैं तेरा. शायद ये लम्हा था बस यूँ ही, जो रह गयी बातें सारी अधूरी, मिले बिना ही हम बिछड गए, और सारे ख्वाब भी अधूरे रह गए. गर मेरे अश्कों की राह होती, और सीढ़ी तुम्हारी यादों की, तो शायद मैं तुम्हारे पास होता, तुम्हे खोने का अहसास ना होता. करवटों में कट जाती है रात सारी, आँखों में घूमती हैं तस्वीरें तुम्हारी, गुज़रा वक्त याद आता है रह रहकर, कह जाते हैं हाल-ऐ-दिल मेरे आँसू बहकर. तस्वीर तुम्हारी रखी है थामकर, भीगी है जो तेरी यादों की बारिश में,  डर है धुंधली ना पड़ जाए कभी ये, रखूँगा इसे सदा बस दिल में. तुझे भूलने का ख़याल भी नहीं करता, पर तुझे पाने की अभी भी है आरज़ू, करता हूँ इन्तेज़ार आज भी रातों को, देखते हुए फलक के सितारों को. तुम्हे मैं अब भी हर पल याद करता हूँ, मैं उम्रभर लिख सकता हूँ तुम्हारी बातों को, पर इन आँखों को मुझसे कोई शिकवा है, जो धुंधला रही हैं आंसुओं से ना जाने क्यूँ शायद......बस यूँ ही... AnSh

A Dream or an Awakening?

“I knew that you’d be coming today, did you know that you are going to meet me?” Osho said those words as soon as I thought of knocking the door of that mystique room. I was amazed and shocked by hearing those words. Amazed by that how he knows that I m coming and standing outside of the room, shocked by that How can I DREAM of Osho because I never followed him not even read about  him , and hardly know one fact that  he belongs to the same city that I belong i.e. Jabalpur. Though I at least know that it’s a dream! Some dreams feel so real because you can see YOU in them; this one was one of them. I looked at my brother’s face and he was looking like he is dragged in my dream. I overlooked and knocked the door …… “Door is open”, I heard him (Osho) again. I pushed the door and went in while looking back for my brother, who was still looking like that. “You should stay out mate, you don’t belong to his thoughts, you can go or wait outside”, Osho said it again, and I entered in without l

Q & A

I am standing alone in the dark night trying to figure out the things around me. I looked up to see the moon, but it was hidden somewhere behind the clouds. I saw a star shining so bright and it took my attention towards it. I kept gazing on it with lots of thoughts running in my mind, The sheen is getting dimmer with every thought, and after a while I lost the star. Was that star meant to be lost or I was meant to lose it?  May be I was never supposed to see that star? Or was it just meant to cherish me to the little time only? Does it have any relevance or again it’s just a mindless of mine? I should listen to my inner soul which guided me till here now, I don’t know I am on right path or not, but I have no option left. May be its the same as when you start feeling alone you always get back to the times when you were with your loved ones And those memories usually left you with so many questions which once needed to be a

Wake up call

If you are an Ex. Movie buff Like ME :D You must know how does it feels when you don't see at least 5 movies in a day.  Well it's been so long that i watched a NEW flick, so I decided to watch  127 Hour  the latest one. And I won't say anything about the awesome storyline and real picturization. The movie was like a Wake Up call for me, because i used to do things like the Central character was doing in movie, and most common is without telling about the destination, go anywhere. And after watching it I promised myself that i will never do so ever in future. Because you may have the courage of all world but you can't beat the Situation which might be waiting ONLY for you. And No matter How prepared you are, they can beat the hell out of you. Don't care for yourself but care for those who always care for you,who loves you for no reason. But don't be scared of the things that you even forget to live free. Because in the End it's the willingness to survive win